The Agronomy Advisor 7/26/18
We filmed a section of corn during the hot and dry week of July 9th through the 15th. Watch and see how the corn responds to the above average heat and lack of moisture, as well as a small rain shower that came through later in the week.
Soybean Insecticide Investigation: Should I Spray?
Last week we covered foliar fungicide management in soybeans. We discussed when to apply, thresholds and yield response. However, in most studies, fungicide and insecticide were applied together and any yield benefit we saw was attributed to both fungicide and insecticide. So we thought this would be a good time to cover the other side of the yield response, and talk about using insecticides in soybeans. This blog post will cover conditions necessary for high pest pressures, how we make recommendations, determining defoliation, and timing and yield return. Soybean Insecticide Investigation: Should I Spray?

Mark your calendars for our final Summer Seminar Series!

#GoGrahamGo! We are wearing our orange in support of our favorite superhero, Graham Olson! We are SO proud of how strong and brave he has been through this whole journey! Join us in encouraging Graham as he stands up to cancer!
NCGA Yield Contes
tReminder: Entries into NCGA yield contest are due July 31st! If you are interested in entering a field into the contest, contact us to get the appropriate forms filled out.