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Soil temps, weeds, and cold chilling....

Writer's picture: RachelRachel

Things are starting to speed up around here. This edition of the Agronomy Advisor will cover updates on soil temps and weed pressure, as well as linking to some articles about chilling injury in corn. 

Weed Update

Fall sprayed fields are almost completely clean across the county. Fields that we started to see pressure on several weeks ago have not progressed much in the past couple week. Keep an eye out, particularly on the marestail progression, as we get warm weather in the coming weeks. 

Soil Temperature Update

We are seeing a quick upsurge in our soil temps over the past few days. Temperatures should increase through Friday afternoon before the cooler forecasted weekend. 

Cold Chilling in Corn

We've had a lot of questions regarding the cool temperatures we will be getting this weekend. Check out the edition of the Agronomy Advisor that went out on Tuesday morning. That newsletter provides a review of the effect cold can have on seeds and emergence as well as links to resources to learn more about imbibitional chilling and slow seedling emergence. 

Planting has started in Brown County! With planters rolling this week, we've been out checking seeding depth, seed to soil contact, and row clutch shutoffs. Remember, a successful harvest starts at planting, so take the time to get your planter set optimally. Contact us for assistance in checking how your planter is working as we get started this spring. 

There is still time: Enter to WIN!

There is still time to enter to win one of several prizes available! Just fill out the survey on the newly redesigned to be entered to win!


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