Its time to keep our eyes out for emerging seedlings! New flushes of velvetleaf and pigweed are emerging alongside the existing stands of henbit, field pennycress, and marestail. Its important to consider size of weeds and crop as we implement weed management plans. Call us to discuss spraying options to keep on top of these newest emergers.
Early Season Pathogens
Because of the cool soil conditions present at planting time, corn and soybean seedlings could be at a greater risk for seedling diseases. Many of these diseases, such as rhizoctonia and fusarium are favored by cool conditions. Look for plants that appear stunted, and have stunted root structures. It is possible we could see some damping-off, root rot, stunting, blight, poor stand establishment and poor seedling vigor.
Our quick increase in soil temperatures the past couple weeks will likely help curtail many of these issues. Regardless, its important to keep an eye out on stand establishment and plant health moving forward.
Read the full article from CropWatch on assessing disease pressure and management strategies.

We are seeing some crusting across the county affecting the ability of corn and soybeans to emerge. While many will be able to push through this layer, its time to keep an eye out on stand establishment and percent of crop emerged. In irrigated situations, we might be able to do a light irrigation pass in order to mitigate some of the crusting if the situation warrants it. Contact us for recommendations on any fields you might be concerned about.

Soil temp has finally increased above 60 degrees the past couple days. Temperatures are relatively similar to the 5 year average and 2017 levels.