The calendar says spring, but mother nature says "Not so fast..."
Snowfall ranging from 2-6 inches in the service area hit Easter Sunday, giving us some time to slow down and get everything ready for the weeks to come. This edition covers a mix of topics including some tips for looking at our online weather stations, soil temperature updates, reminders about the website, and some agronomic knowledge.
Weather Underground Tutorial
Learn about how to access the weather stations going up around Brown County Kansas. This short tutorial will walk you through navigating the app and saving weather stations for quicker viewing.
Soil temperature updates....
Soil temp was checked in three locations, at two depths.
Location Depth Temperature
No-till 2" 36 degrees
No-till 4" 35 degrees
Bare Soil 2" 48 degrees
Bare Soil 4" 41 degrees
Wheat 2" 45 degrees Wheat 4" 41 degrees
Check out our new website for a chance to win some prizes!
Don't forget to fill out the survey on for a chance to win some prizes. Winners will be selected by April 20th.

Seed Plantability Guidelines DuPont Pioneer has an app available for download that assists with batch specific planting information. These guidelines are available to help provide the best planting performance and accuracy with different seed sizes. Simply input type of planter, and scan the barcode on your box or bag of seed for the correct information. Search for Pioneer Field360 Plantability in the app store, or follow the link below for more information about the app and selecting the correct settings and lubricants for your system.