The Agronomy Advisor 8/2/18

Tissue Testing
Its been the hottest topic in farm publications and from yield contest winners. Tissue testing. Many individuals are touting the benefits of in season tissue testing as an essential factor in reaching the next major yield goal. But is it all that it is cracked up to be? Does this method live up to the hype? How helpful are tissue tests in improving yield? We wanted to find out some of these answers ourselves. So come along with us as we explore the world of tissue tests.
This blog post will cover what tissue tests are, what they tell us, and how to use them.
Kansas Corn Yield Contest Entry
"Kansas Corn is accepting entries into the 2018 Kansas Corn Yield Contest. In its first year, the state-level corn yield contest is sponsored by Kansas Corn and K-State Research and Extension. The yield contest is open to KCGA members, and entry into the 2018 contest is free.
“We are excited to partner with K-State Research and Extension to create this yield contest. It is an opportunity to build excitement around the productivity of our Kansas corn producers, share data between farmers to improve profitability and to celebrate the top yields throughout the state,” according to Kansas Corn’s Director of Research and Stewardship, Dale Fjell.
The contest will award a dryland and irrigated winner in each of the districts. The districts align with crop reporting districts, plus a NNE district, which was created to include Doniphan and parts of Brown and Atchison counties. In addition, one statewide dryland winner and one statewide irrigated winner will be announced. Cash prizes will be awarded at the district and state levels. Winners will be recognized at the Kansas Corn Symposium in January 2019.
Pre-registration for the Kansas Corn Yield Contest must be completed by August 30, or prior to harvest.
District winners will receive $300 and a plaque. Second place entries will receive a $200 prize and third place will receive a $100 prize."